I’m Tisha Casida, founder of That’s Natural! We advocate for Food and Medicine Freedom. Although hemp and marijuana look the same, and although they come from the same family of plants – hemp is NOT marijuana. Hemp does not contain the psychoactive compound THC in any discernible amount, and therefore is regulated completely different than marijuana is.
Hemp products are legal to sell and purchase in all 50 States! Hemp products are legal to ship to all 50 States! If you go to a local natural foods store, you will likely see many different products made with hemp. That is because it is legal to purchase and sell hemp products.
Hemp was associated with marijuana during the federal government’s beginning of a failed “War on Drugs”, and unfortunately, in the infinite wisdom of people who write laws in Congress, hemp was grouped into the same category as marijuana. And thus, created massive amounts of problems for the hemp industry. This, is now changing!
Now, hemp is legal to grow in thirteen States, and hemp products are legal to buy and sell in all 50 States. This is because hemp is not marijuana – hemp products are NOT marijuana products. You can look on Amazon and Google – large, national marketplaces, and see that they sell hemp oil and CBD oil supplements right now.
You can see more research specifically on cannabidiol, or CBD, which is found in hemp, at our website, where we also list numerous independent links to research, that you can investigate and judge for yourself.
At That’s Natural!, we believe that you, as a consumer, should be able to decide for yourself what to eat, drink, and use as medicine, and we hope that you will enjoy researching our very own That’s Natural! CBD Hemp Oil that is a part of the Medicine Freedom revolution. Go to www.cbdoil.life!
*Remember, some confusion comes from actually growing hemp. Hemp IS NOT legal to GROW in all 50 States (although it should be) – it is only legal to GROW in 19 States. So, you and your State may not be able to GROW HEMP, but anyone in all 50 States can purchase and sell hemp products.
Filed under: Hemp, Medicine Freedom Tagged: #cannabis, Cannabidiol, cannabinoids, CBD, cbd hemp oil, cbdoil.life, Endocannabinoid System, hemp, is hemp marijuana, medicine freedom, tisha casida